Truth Tuesday

When our children were infants, on maybe ONE occasion, I would "sleep through" a feeding and let my husband take a turn on the late night feeding shuffle. (only that one time, of course :)

To be honest, my hubby was actually super helpful during the infant stages of all 4 of our children. I think even outside of my c-section recoveries, he would have been genuinely willing to get up and help feed, but it is funny to think back to that stage of parenting and the little things we did to survive. :)

What is something that we do today, in this era of parenting two teens and two under 10 that would be the equivalent of pretending not to hear the baby cry so your overtired body could get a little break from the late night feeding frenzy? Maybe it's using the bathroom a little longer than we need to to while children are screeching out our names for snacks or to have more time added to their phone? Outside of that, I can't think of much else that we do that would be the equivalent.

Is it possible that as we have aged in our marriage and in our parenting that we have become more open and honest about our needs? Is that part of what helps us to keep this genuinely happily married thing going?

In our experience, I think this is true. I can clearly remember a time when my husband would never, ever say that he was tired. He would sneak cat naps here and there and would be "resting his eyes" at the start of a tv show, but he would never admit to being tired. Whereas, I have always proclaimed how tired I was, so much so that the 4Sibs say it is a part of my daily “Momisms.”:)

During this phase of life we both make it a point to take naps as often as we can. He will actually openly admit when he is tired and I continue to proudly proclaim how tired I am on the regular. :)

We are reveling in our truth that it is ok to be tired as we navigate this bumpy, but joyous phase of life.

There is no shame in our rest game now as 40 something and almost 50 something parents of 4 and I think that is a great thing.

What’s your #Truth Tuesday?


Cleaning Up After Your Children…On Repeat