Cleaning Up After Your Children…On Repeat

Tips for Keeping It Tidy!

Messy room courtesy of The Littles… :)

Toys, books, socks, wrappers, etc under the sofa, in front of the sofa. oh and there were Oreos on the floor under the sofa too, why you ask?? why not?? & It’s all on repeat…daily, weekly, monthly.

Mind you, the hubs and I are those parents that make our children clean and do chores regularly. not just to earn $, but because they are members of this community and as members of this community, they should pitch in on the upkeep of the community. Also because we are tired and doing it all is way too much.

I always tell everyone here that if everyone left all of their stuff everywhere all of the time, it would be uninhabitable for all of us. now, I am not aiming for a model home. I don't have the time or energy for that, but I do think that picking up, keeping things tidy on the surface at least, is helpful for all of us and our sanity.

Every time we are scrambling around trying to find something and we have to dig through mounds of stuff, I think to myself, it's a good thing all of this junk is hidden and not on the surface and I don't have to see it everyday, that would make me crazy. LOL.

Cleaning up after your children isn't so bad sometimes…they are just little people. they just want to have fun, laugh and maybe make a few messes for someone else to clean up. Isn’t that what we all want to do?

Tips For Cleaning Up After Your Children and Keeping the House “Together”

  1. Attack The Cleaning In Pieces

  2. Work Room By Room

  3. Set a Timer and Try to Get as Much Done Before the Timer Goes Off Then Move On Until A Later Timer Session

  4. Use Baskets & Bins as Much as Possible-I check Target online & Ross clearance often (You can always find a use for a basket.)

  5. Create a list of Daily Chores and Extra Chores-Assign each child a daily chore during the week and a daily chore & an extra chore on the weekends/lesser activity days. Extra chores earn them $$ :)

  6. Add an oil diffuser to each room in your home. Turn that bad boy on at the start of your cleaning session

  7. Crank up the tunes, Dance and make it fun for you & your family

How do YOU keep your home “together?” Drop me a message and let me know. Toodles!


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